Clear Current
  • Transitioning to clean energy is crucial for our planet's survival.

    At Clear Current, we recognize the urgent need for action in mitigating climate change. By championing the adoption of renewable energy sources, we pave the way towards a sustainable future where environmental harmony thrives

  • Embracing sustainable living practices ensures long-term ecological balance.

    In the heart our mission lies a commitment to sustainable living. Through our advocacy, we inspire communities to embrace practices that nurture our planet, fostering a collective ethos of stewardship and respect."

  • Powering progress without harming the planet is our path to a sustainable future.

    Clear Current leads the charge towards a greener tomorrow. With innovation as our compass, we chart a course towards clean energy solutions that power advancement without compromising the Earth's delicate balance.

  • Securing a sustainable future for generations to come relies on our actions today.

    Driven by the principles of Malama Aina and Kuleana, Clear Current believes that our actions today echo through time, shaping a world where sustainability is not just a goal but a fundamental principle guiding every aspect of our lives.

  • Empowering communities through skill development and leadership fosters resilience and sustainable growth.

    Learn more about Makaha Learning, our dually accredited non-profit dedicated to uplifting Native Hawaiians and the Waianae Coast community through impactful programs in leadership, trades-training, and outreach.

Who we are

Clear Current is committed to driving positive change in the fight against climate change. Inspired by the urgent need for action in the face of environmental devastation.
With expertise in renewable energy, social engagement, and environmental advocacy,
we are relentless in our pursuit of a world powered by clean energy.

households educated and transitioned to clean energy
0 +
raised and deployed for clean energy education
$ 900000
students trained & certified in clean enegry careers
0 +
dually-accredited educational non-profit organization
0 X


The “I AM CAMPAIGN”  is a dynamic social movement that amplifies the voices of individuals committed to environmental stewardship and sustainable living. Through this campaign, we showcase the stories of courageous individuals who boldly declare their commitment to a cleaner, greener future and share their strategies for living sustainably.

Together, we celebrate the collective voice of those who have embraced clean energy and sustainable practices. This collective commitment inspires hope and drives positive change, as we work towards creating a more sustainable world for future generations.

Encounter. Educate. Engage.

Through partnerships, education, and advocacy, we empower individuals to make sustainable choices every day. From energy conservation and generation to supporting eco-friendly transportation options, we’re making clean energy a natural and enjoyable part of everyday life.



"The window of opportunity to mitigate the worst effects of climate change is narrowing, and the need for decisive action has never been more critical. As devastating events unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that we must act now—before it's too late."


In a world where the effects of climate change loom larger with each passing day, the urgency to act has never been more palpable. The narrative of our planet’s changing climate is one of increasing temperatures, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events wreaking havoc on communities around the globe.

From devastating wildfires engulfing vast swathes of land to unprecedented floods displacing millions from their homes, the impacts of climate change are undeniable and far-reaching. Yet, amidst the chaos, there is a glimmer of hope—a clear current of change.

Glaciers are melting 2X faster

Glaciers, vital indicators of climate change, are disappearing faster than ever. 

8M tons of plastic enters our oceans yearly

In the past 10 years, we’ve made more plastic than the last century. By 2050, the pollution of fish will be outnumbered by dumped plastics.

1 in 10 die from air pollution

Air pollution stands as a top risk factor for chronic health issues and premature mortality worldwide.

Since 2000, the number and duration of droughts has risen 29%

Droughts represent 15% of natural disasters but took the largest human toll, approximately 650,000 deaths from 1970-2019

Irresponsible mining destroys the ecosystem

Mining contributes to biodiversity decline – impacting areas rich in flora, fauna, and microorganisms.

20% of global waste goes to poor nations

With less than 20% of global waste recycled annually, rich nations often export recyclables to poorer ones. 

1.6B individuals rely on forests

Forests serve as a lifeline for 1.6 billion individuals from vulnerable communities who represent 25% of the global population.

Climate change can cause extinction

A 2-degree Celsius increase in Earth’s temperature due to climate change could endanger 5% of species with extinction. 

It takes 450 years for plastic to decompose

Plastic bottles can haunt our planet for up to 450 years, with some enduring even longer – up to 1,000 years – before they fully decompose. 

Over 700 million people lack access to clean water

Aside from that 1.5 billion people do not have basic sanitation services and 2 billion lacked basic handwashing facilities.

There is no planet B

There is no planet B, but there is a chance to make a difference. At Clear Current, we’re harnessing the power of clean energy to safeguard our one and only Earth.


Vehicle emissions and fossil fuel use for heating, manufacturing and power generation are major sources of human-made air pollution, leading to respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, and lung cancer. Transitioning to clean energy is the most effective way to combat pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

At the alarming pace of climate change, Waikiki and other coastal communities face the dire prospect of being submerged within mere decades. Devastating extreme weather events, spurred by climate shifts, relentlessly claim lives and inflict irreparable damage. Urgent action is not just necessary; it's imperative. We cannot face this crisis alone; we need your support now more than ever.

He wa’a he moku, he moku he wa’a- Hawaiian ‘ōlelo no’eau
The canoe is an island, the island is a canoe.

Just as a canoe must navigate the currents to reach its destination, so too must the inhabitants of an island navigate life’s challenges with resilience and adaptability. The path is clear. The current will get us there.

  • Transitioning to clean energy is crucial for our planet's survival.

    At Clear Current, we recognize the urgent need for action in mitigating climate change. By championing the adoption of renewable energy sources, we pave the way towards a sustainable future where environmental harmony thrives

  • Embracing sustainable living practices ensures long-term ecological balance.

    In the heart our mission lies a commitment to sustainable living. Through our advocacy, we inspire communities to embrace practices that nurture our planet, fostering a collective ethos of stewardship and respect."

  • Powering progress without harming the planet is our path to a sustainable future.

    Clear Current leads the charge towards a greener tomorrow. With innovation as our compass, we chart a course towards clean energy solutions that power advancement without compromising the Earth's delicate balance.

  • Securing a sustainable future for generations to come relies on our actions today.

    Driven by the principles of Malama Aina and Kuleana, Clear Current believes that our actions today echo through time, shaping a world where sustainability is not just a goal but a fundamental principle guiding every aspect of our lives.

  • Empowering communities through skill development and leadership fosters resilience and sustainable growth.

    Learn more about Makaha Learning, our dually accredited non-profit dedicated to uplifting Native Hawaiians and the Waianae Coast community through impactful programs in leadership, trades-training, and outreach.

Who we are

Clear Current is committed to driving positive change in the fight against climate change. Inspired by the urgent need for action in the face of environmental devastation.
With expertise in renewable energy, social engagement, and environmental advocacy,
we are relentless in our pursuit of a world powered by clean energy.

households educated and transitioned to clean energy
0 +
raised and deployed for clean energy education
$ 900000
students trained & certified in clean enegry careers
0 +
dually-accredited educational non-profit organization
0 X


The “I AM CAMPAIGN”  is a dynamic social movement that amplifies the voices of individuals committed to environmental stewardship and sustainable living. Through this campaign, we showcase the stories of courageous individuals who boldly declare their commitment to a cleaner, greener future and share their strategies for living sustainably.

Together, we celebrate the collective voice of those who have embraced clean energy and sustainable practices. This collective commitment inspires hope and drives positive change, as we work towards creating a more sustainable world for future generations.

Encounter. Educate. Engage.

Through partnerships, education, and advocacy, we empower individuals to make sustainable choices every day. From energy conservation and generation to supporting eco-friendly transportation options, we’re making clean energy a natural and enjoyable part of everyday life.



"The window of opportunity to mitigate the worst effects of climate change is narrowing, and the need for decisive action has never been more critical. As devastating events unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that we must act now—before it's too late."


In a world where the effects of climate change loom larger with each passing day, the urgency to act has never been more palpable. The narrative of our planet’s changing climate is one of increasing temperatures, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events wreaking havoc on communities around the globe.

From devastating wildfires engulfing vast swathes of land to unprecedented floods displacing millions from their homes, the impacts of climate change are undeniable and far-reaching. Yet, amidst the chaos, there is a glimmer of hope—a clear current of change.

Glaciers are melting 2X faster

Glaciers, vital indicators of climate change, are disappearing faster than ever. 

8M tons of plastic enters our oceans yearly

In the past 10 years, we’ve made more plastic than the last century. By 2050, the pollution of fish will be outnumbered by dumped plastics.

1 in 10 die from air pollution

Air pollution stands as a top risk factor for chronic health issues and premature mortality worldwide.

Since 2000, the number and duration of droughts has risen 29%

Droughts represent 15% of natural disasters but took the largest human toll, approximately 650,000 deaths from 1970-2019

Irresponsible mining destroys the ecosystem

Mining contributes to biodiversity decline – impacting areas rich in flora, fauna, and microorganisms.

20% of global waste goes to poor nations

With less than 20% of global waste recycled annually, rich nations often export recyclables to poorer ones. 

1.6B individuals rely on forests

Forests serve as a lifeline for 1.6 billion individuals from vulnerable communities who represent 25% of the global population.

Climate change can cause extinction

A 2-degree Celsius increase in Earth’s temperature due to climate change could endanger 5% of species with extinction. 

It takes 450 years for plastic to decompose

Plastic bottles can haunt our planet for up to 450 years, with some enduring even longer – up to 1,000 years – before they fully decompose. 

Over 700 million people lack access to clean water

Aside from that 1.5 billion people do not have basic sanitation services and 2 billion lacked basic handwashing facilities.

There is no planet B

There is no planet B, but there is a chance to make a difference. At Clear Current, we’re harnessing the power of clean energy to safeguard our one and only Earth.


Vehicle emissions and fossil fuel use for heating, manufacturing and power generation are major sources of human-made air pollution, leading to respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, and lung cancer. Transitioning to clean energy is the most effective way to combat pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

At the alarming pace of climate change, Waikiki and other coastal communities face the dire prospect of being submerged within mere decades. Devastating extreme weather events, spurred by climate shifts, relentlessly claim lives and inflict irreparable damage. Urgent action is not just necessary; it's imperative. We cannot face this crisis alone; we need your support now more than ever.

He wa’a he moku, he moku he wa’a- Hawaiian ‘ōlelo no’eau
The canoe is an island, the island is a canoe.

Just as a canoe must navigate the currents to reach its destination, so too must the inhabitants of an island navigate life’s challenges with resilience and adaptability. The path is clear. The current will get us there.